Founded on June 20, 2006, Keluarga Mahasiswa Manajemen ITB (KMM ITB) was originally established as Keluarga Mahasiswa Sekolah Bisnis & Manajemen ITB (KMSBM ITB). As the official organization for SBM ITB's S1 Management students, KMM ITB is built on a foundation of Ethics, Skill, and Knowledge. We serve as a supportive platform for students to excel academically, develop adaptive leadership, and prepare for global careers

Our Value

Integritas, Profesional, Kekeluargaan, Kepemimpinan, Keterbukaan (IPK 3)

Our vision

"To lead KMM ITB above and beyond."

Our mission

  • "Fostering adaptive and effective leadership through continuous organizational transformation."

  • "Enhancing academic performance with KMM Scholar through scholarships, mentorship, and skill development."

  • "Preparing members for a global career through KMM Accelerate with professional training and industry partnerships."

  • "Strengthening the organization with KMM Core, focusing on soft skills and continuous improvement."

Badan Pengurus "PutihBeralih" KMM ITB 2024/2025

Ahmad Syarif


Habibie Harvian

Ketua Himpunan

Reihan Naufarizky

Ketua Dewan perwakilan anggota

Riefka Hasna

President of Progressio Consulting Group

Rakha Dirgantara

General Secretary

Jose Armando

CEO of badan usaha milik kmm

Nailah Syakirah

vp of creative & branding

BP KMM ITB 2024/2025
Timotius Wiarda

vp of human capital

Hansen Marciano

vp of kmm accelerate

Carolina Kumala

VP of kmm core

Arshanty Fayza

VP of KMM Scholar

Melandri Rifaza

deputy VP of kmm core