Empowering Your Academic and Personal Journey at KMM ITB
Access essential academic information, resources, and support designed to help KMM ITB students succeed in their studies and campus life
Course materials, academic guidelines, and KMM ITB curriculum resources
Internship listings and career information to help students gain professional experience early on.
Stay updated with the latest academic and non-academic competitions to showcase your skills and knowledge.
Space SBM
Akademik ITB
Important Academic Sites
Course materials, academic guidelines, and KMM ITB curriculum resources
Internship listings and career information to help students gain professional experience early on.
Stay updated with the latest academic and non-academic competitions to showcase your skills and knowledge.
Site 190 Manajemen
SBM ITB Website
Course materials, academic guidelines, and KMM ITB curriculum resources
Internship listings and career information to help students gain professional experience early on.
Stay updated with the latest academic and non-academic competitions to showcase your skills and knowledge.
Academic Calendar
SBM Regulations
Academic Information
Course materials, academic guidelines, and KMM ITB curriculum resources
Internship listings and career information to help students gain professional experience early on.
Stay updated with the latest academic and non-academic competitions to showcase your skills and knowledge.
International Program
Program MBKM
Perwalian (Academic Advising)
Course materials, academic guidelines, and KMM ITB curriculum resources
Internship listings and career information to help students gain professional experience early on.
Stay updated with the latest academic and non-academic competitions to showcase your skills and knowledge.
Final Project & Graduation Information
Publication requirements
Final Project & Graduation
Visit Us!
KMM ITB Office,
Gd. Labtek XIX (Freeport) Lantai 1, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Jl. Ganesa No.10, Lb. Siliwangi, Kecamatan Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132
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+62-857-2777-7882 (Hansen)
© 2024. BP "PutihBeralih" KMM ITB 2024/2025
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External & Internal Campus
+62-819-1011-1592 (Abel)
+62-813-1332-0775 (Michelle)
+62-813-2467-6543 (Nadindra)
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